Winner of Tesseract Coding Bloggers Week 2020!
Published 2 articles in the field of Machine Learning explaining Agglomerative Clustering which is
type of Hierarchical Clustering, & DBSCAN algorithm which is part of Density based algorithm!
Also, I published one article in the field pf networking explaining server!
All about Decision Tree Algorithm!
Very important machine learning classification & regression algorithm, it acts as a base algorithm
for ensemble machine learning algorithms! It falls under the category of bagging ensemble machinr learning!
For complete blog click on the link given below!
For any of the algorithm in machin learning, or any model of Deep Learning, optimal weights for them
are calculated by Gradient Descent only! This is the algorithm which makes model creation possible!
It is a technique which is used to find out the Time Complexity of any algorithm, if its reccurence relation
is given!
It is subpart of clustering which is in turn part of unsupervised machine learning,
and helps in finding patterns between the data without any given labels!
Deep Dive Agglomerative Clustering!
It is the most popular approach used in hierarchical clustering which is a type of
unsupervised machine learning!
Ever wondered, what is the differnece between server & a computer/laptop/node. Refer this blog, I have explained
server from real life examples & in complete depth.
Can RDBMS handle Big Data!
This article clearly explains that whether RDBMS softwares can handle Big Data (Future Technology) or not! If not
then why not, what are the limitations!
This blog explains the sub type of machine learning which is clustering which falls under the category of
unspervised machine learning!
Deep Dive Hierarchical Clustering!
It is a type of clustering approach for solving the problem of data science or to find patterns in the data
science approach to obtain an insight which can be used for boosting the economy of the economy!
It is a basic theorem to find the posterior probability, or we can say to find the probability of an event given that
multiple events had already occured! It is used Naïve Bayes Theorem of machine learning!
Deep Dive Naïve Bayes Theorem!
It is an algorithm which is used to classify the records into various categories. It can be used in classification
& Natural Language Processing!
Deep Dive Stochastic Gradient Descent!
It is an advanced version of Gradient Descent, it is very efficient & fast when the dataset is huge.
What is Continuous Integration!
This topic is related to DevOps & Automation world, it is a part of CI/CD Pipeline, which is used in constructing
softwares or automation part.
Complete end-to-end Flow of Data Science Pipeline is explained with each & every part in depth!